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Manikata is close to the seaside, Golden Bay being just 1 kilometer away and il-Mejjiesa is also a short walk (1.5 Km) so local fish is plentiful. Many Tourists visit this village all year round. Close by is the Holiday Village of Hal-Ferh. Horse riding is enjoyed at Hal-Ferh. The word manikata is derived from the Italian word 'manica' (sleeve). The area may have derived its name from the abrupt turning of the main road (until recent times the only road). The Picrure above is of The Golden Sands Hotel which has now been rebuilt as Radisson Blu Resort & Spa

Many crops and fruit are grown in this locality. All year round the fields are tended and the produce is enjoyed by many. Grapes, tomatoes, potatoes, onions, bettieh (melons) , dullieh (water melons), apples, oranges, pomigranits (rummien) strawberries and many other crops are commonly seen in the fields. Fields full of pumpkins (Qara Ahmar) can be seen in mid summer.

A small rural village in Malta

Il-Manikata is a small farming community which oversees the farming areas in the valley between il-Ballut and il-Manikata on the north side of Malta.

Please visit for one of the best write-ups about il-Manikata and its magnificent surrounding area. Discover what the inhabitants get up to. Lots to read and many pictures

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